Virgo: The second-largest constellation in the sky and the largest in the zodiac, located between Leo and Libra. It is associated with the Latin word for maiden and the goddess of agriculture, Demeter.
Bright Stars: Virgo has several bright stars, such as Spica, Zavijava, Porrima, Auva, and Vindemiatrix. Some of them have planets orbiting around them, such as 70 Virginis, Chi Virginis, and 61 Virginis.
Galaxies and Quasars: Virgo is rich in galaxies, especially because of the Virgo Cluster, which contains about 1300 galaxies. Some of the notable ones are M87, M104, NGC 4639, and NGC 4261. Virgo also hosts the brightest quasar in the sky, 3C 273.
Mythology and History: Virgo has been associated with various goddesses and maidens in different cultures, such as Shala, Demeter, Ceres, Iustitia, Astraea, Erigone, Persephone, Parthenos, and Dike. It was also one of the constellations listed by Ptolemy in his Almagest.
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