Phoenix: A minor constellation in the southern sky, named after the mythical phoenix and first depicted by Johann Bayer in 1603.
Stars: The constellation contains several notable stars, such as Ankaa (the brightest star), Beta Phoenicis (a binary system), Zeta Phoenicis (an eclipsing binary), and HE0107-5240 (one of the oldest stars in the universe).
Planets: Ten stars have been found to have planets, including four discovered by the SuperWASP project. Some of the planets are hot Jupiters, while others are similar to Saturn in size and mass.
Galaxies and clusters: Phoenix contains several galaxies and galaxy clusters, such as NGC 625 (a dwarf irregular galaxy), Robert's Quartet (a group of colliding galaxies), the Phoenix cluster (one of the most massive galaxy clusters), and El Gordo (the largest known galaxy cluster in the distant universe).
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