Horologium: A faint constellation in the southern sky that represents a pendulum clock. It was created by the French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1756.
Stars: Horologium has one star brighter than magnitude 4, Alpha Horologii, an orange giant. It also has several variable stars, such as R Horologii, a Mira variable with a large brightness range. Some stars have planets, such as Iota Horologii, which has a Jupiter-like planet in its habitable zone.
Deep-sky objects: Horologium contains several globular clusters, such as NGC 1261 and Arp-Madore 1, the most distant known globular cluster in the Milky Way. It also has some galaxies, such as NGC 1512 and NGC 1510, which are in the process of merging.
Supercluster: Horologium is part of the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster, a massive collection of galaxy clusters that is second in size only to the Shapley Supercluster in the local universe.
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