Serpens: A constellation in the northern sky that is split into two parts: Serpens Caput (the head) and Serpens Cauda (the tail).
Mythology and history: Serpens represents a snake held by the healer Asclepius in Greek mythology, and was depicted as such by Ptolemy and other ancient astronomers. It also has associations with various cultures such as Babylonian, Chinese, and Egyptian.
Stars and planets: Serpens contains many bright stars, some of which have planets or are part of multiple star systems. The brightest star is Alpha Serpentis, a red giant. Other notable stars include Lambda Serpentis, a solar analog with an exoplanet, and Eta Serpentis, a red giant with solar-like oscillations.
Deep-sky objects: Serpens has a variety of deep-sky objects, such as globular clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and quasars. Some of the most famous ones are the Eagle Nebula, which contains the Pillars of Creation, Hoag's Object, a ring galaxy, and Seyfert's Sextet, a dense galaxy cluster.
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