Lupus: A constellation of the mid-Southern Sky, named after the Latin word for wolf.
History: Originally part of the larger constellation Centaurus, identified as a beast or a wineskin by different cultures. Separated by Hipparchus and named Therion (beast) in Greek. Associated with a Babylonian hybrid creature called the Mad Dog.
Stars: Contains 127 stars brighter than magnitude 6.5, mostly massive members of the Scorpius�Centaurus OB association. Alpha Lupi is the brightest star and a Beta Cephei variable. Beta Lupi is a blue giant and part of the Chinese Q�gu?n asterism.
Deep sky objects: Includes several globular clusters, open clusters, spiral galaxies, and planetary nebulae. The most notable are IC 4406, also known as the Retina Nebula, and SN 1006, the brightest supernova in recorded history.
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