Aquila: A constellation on the celestial equator, named after the Latin word for 'eagle'. It represents the bird that carried Zeus/Jupiter's thunderbolts in Greek-Roman mythology.
Altair: The brightest star in Aquila and one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle asterism. It is an A-type main-sequence star that rotates quickly and has an oblate shape.
Other stars: Aquila contains many other stars, some of which are variable, binary, or multiple systems. Some notable examples are Alshain, Tarazed, Eta Aquilae, and R Aquilae.
Deep-sky objects: Aquila lies along the Milky Way and has many clusters and nebulae within its borders. Some of the most remarkable ones are the Glowing Eye, the Hercules�Corona Borealis Great Wall, and W51.
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