Coma Berenices: A constellation named after Queen Berenice II of Egypt, who sacrificed her hair as a votive offering. It is the only modern constellation named for a historic person.
Stars: The constellation has no stars brighter than fourth magnitude, but contains several binary, double and triple star systems. Beta Comae Berenices is the brightest star and a solar analog. Alpha Comae Berenices is a double star and the second-brightest. Gamma Comae Berenices is an orange giant and the brightest star in the Coma Star Cluster.
Galaxies: The constellation contains the North Galactic Pole and several galaxy clusters, such as the Coma Cluster, the Virgo Cluster and the Coma Supercluster. It also has many individual galaxies, such as the Black Eye Galaxy, the Needle Galaxy and Malin 1, the first-known giant low-surface-brightness galaxy.
Other objects: The constellation has seven known exoplanets, one neutron star, one pulsar, several supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, and a dwarf galaxy that is a satellite of the Milky Way. It is also the radiant of the Coma Berenicids meteor shower.
Culture: The constellation has been recognized by various cultures since ancient times, and has been featured in literature, art, music and poetry by authors such as Callimachus, Catullus, Pope, Yeats and Ekel�f.
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