Canis Minor: A small constellation in the northern sky that represents a lesser dog following Orion the hunter.
Procyon and Gomeisa: The two brightest stars in Canis Minor, both of which have Arabic names related to Sirius, the Dog Star in Canis Major.
History and mythology: Canis Minor originates from ancient Mesopotamia, where it was associated with a rooster or a pair of twins. It was later adopted by the Greeks and Romans, who linked it to various dogs in their legends. Other cultures also had different interpretations of the constellation and its stars.
Stars and deep-sky objects: Canis Minor contains several variable stars, some of which are Mira variables or Delta Scuti variables. It also has a few binary systems, one of which has a planet. The constellation has few deep-sky objects, mainly faint galaxies. It is also the radiant of a meteor shower, the 11 Canis-Minorids.
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